How do we pray passionately?
By praying for people to meet Jesus.
Are you passionate about people meeting Jesus? The Father is! Pray for the Lord to work in the lives of your family, friends and co-workers, that they would come to know Jesus personally, and discover what it means to have a relationship with the God who loves them. Ask Jesus to give you one person today that you can share His love with. Then look for opportunities to respond!
By praying for our families to be restored.
The heart of our heavenly Father is to build healthy families through His children. Yet so often our world is full of broken ones. The good news is that the gospel message is not only about God's desire to rescue us from our sin, but also to restore things back to His original intention, including our families. Pray boldly for your own immediate and extended family to be restored and wherever you see brokenness remaining, declare the power of God to renew and restore those places.
By praying for our communities to be transformed.
God has placed us in our communities to be sources of salt and light, both preserving what is good and true, as well as leading the way to life and blessing. Your prayers for your community matter more than you will ever know this side of eternity. Pray for the Lord to work in the hearts and minds of those in our neighborhoods, towns, state, nation and around the world.
By praying for our lives to be lived for his glory.
Ultimately, the way we live our lives should be a reflection of the character and nature of Jesus. This is why the great composer, Johann Sebastian Bach, would sign the bottom of all his musical compositions with the initials "S.D.G." It reminded him and everyone else who would play his works after him that God alone was to receive the glory. These initials stood for the Latin phrase, "Soli Deo Gloria," which means "Glory to God alone." Pray that those who encounter you would see Jesus in all that you say and do, and He would receive the glory.