Spiritual growth begins at home.
you are the primary educator of your child's faith.
Just like it's important to spend one-on-one time with Jesus each day during your First 20, it's also important to pursue Jesus together as a family. Spending 20 minutes a week dedicated to reading, praying, talking and modeling what it means to grow your faith as a family is a fantastic way to lead your children on their faith journey. Let this be the beginning of your Family 20!
How do we spiritually protect, provide for and promote our children?
How do we let the truth found in the Bible change the way they think about God, themselves and the world around them? It starts by each child knowing who he or she is - a child of God, a masterpiece created in His image to be world-changers for Jesus.
This only happens when we are intentional about sharing God's truth in our day-to-day lives. Family 20 is about you as a family embracing Jesus and each other as you grow deeper relationships with Him and one another. Family 20 is not another item for the to-do list. It is a lifestyle we step into as a family.
How to Encounter Jesus During Your Family 20
Model and talk
Talk about and show your children what it means to follow Jesus' example.
There are endless ways you can do your Family 20! Here are a few ideas to get you thinking.